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High blood pressure, or hypertension is also often referred to as the “the silent killer”. Scary, right?!
There’s good reason for this - essentially, high blood pressure can end up causing a lot of problems throughout the cardiovascular system well before a person is even aware they have an issue with high blood pressure.
It’s not all bad, however. Just because you have high blood pressure doesn’t mean it’s going to kill you, but rather it’s a sign that something is off in your body and needs your attention.
That being said, it’s important to know what your blood pressure is, to monitor it, and to take steps to lower it, even if it’s only slightly elevated.
High blood pressure is mostly without symptoms, until it gets dangerously high. Before that happens, a person can go months and even years without realizing they have high blood pressure.
What is High Blood Pressure Exactly?
When we talk about high blood pressure, we’re referring to the basic pressure inside of our blood vessels. This is essentially a closed system so there isn’t a way to relieve that pressure. The higher the pressure, the more strain it is on the heart, and the organs to which the blood is being pushed.
This system needs to be pressurized in order for the heart to do its job - deliver blood throughout the body. But when it’s too high, that pressure makes it harder for the heart to work (it has to contract against that pressure in the blood vessels) and when that highly pressurized blood goes into certain organs (like the kidneys) it can damage them. The best way to visualize this is how a pressure washer scrubs things away - that’s essentially what’s happening to the lining of your arteries, your heart and organs when the pressure is too high, for too long.
There really aren’t a lot. When BP is really high, a person may feel pressure behind their eyes, or have a headache. But they’re not going to feel anything going on inside their heart or organs.
This is why it’s so important to check your blood pressure every so often, and if it’s high you need to work with a medical professional to find the cause and get it lower.
Why Do We Get High Blood Pressure?
Like many conditions, high blood pressure can have one or more causes.
Typically, in the standard medical model a medication is given to reduce blood pressure, but it’s rare for the actual cause of hypertension to be addressed!
Here are some of the most common reasons why blood pressure gets too high:
High blood pressure needs to be treated. There are several natural remedies for high blood pressure, in addition to the lifestyle factors we mentioned above. Always work with your doctor to make sure your blood pressure is in a safe zone!
How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Diet: A Healthy Blood Pressure Lowering Diet Should Include:
Not everyone can tolerate all of the above types of food. If grains make you ill, avoid them! The key is here is to eat real foods that aren't processed!
Eating these foods will supply you with plenty of magnesium and potassium and will avoid excess sodium - these are the key minerals that help keep blood pressure in a healthy range.
In addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, there are several natural remedies that are great at balancing blood pressure:
Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure:
Lastly, it’s important to keep an awareness of what your blood pressure is - we encourage people with hypertension to record their BP first thing in the morning and then right as you get into bed. That way you’ll always know where it is, and if your interventions are helping to keep it low. It’s not healthy to have hypertension and in some cases a person may need a prescription drug alongside a high blood pressure natural remedy.
Are you concerned about your heart health? Discover your risk factors before they become serious issues with our comprehensive blood test. This test goes beyond standard check-ups, providing crucial insights into your heart disease and inflammation risk. Early detection can empower you to make informed decisions about your health and take proactive steps to protect your heart. Don't wait for symptoms to appear – take control of your health today with our specialized blood test. Your heart will thank you.