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Recovery Charge - Anabolic Amino Acid Complex

January 22, 2021 2 min read

Recovery Charge - Anabolic Amino Acid Complex

Recovery Charge is one of our exciting new formulas that provides a full spectrum of amino acids that are specific for muscle protein synthesis (muscle growth).

The ability to improve muscle health is dependent on a select few amino acids. While dietary protein should lead the charge in supplying these amino acids, supplementation with them in scientifically researched ratios will lend an extra hand in this department - drastically improving your body’s ability to repair, build and maintain precious muscle mass.

Ideal for supporting muscle function and strength, or for assisting with muscle mass maintenance, Recovery Charge was created as an easy to use supplement designed for the post-workout window when the muscle repair process is peaking.

Best Uses for Recovery Charge:

  • Supports muscle recovery following exercise
  • Supports muscle growth and development
  • Supports muscle building in athletes of all ages.

How Recovery Charge Works:

This product utilizes a specific set of amino acids for muscle protein synthesis. 

Put simply, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. By supplying certain amino acids in a specific combination, 20+ human research trails have demonstrated that this particular patented(1) combination exerts a powerful anabolic (growth) effect on the muscles.

Muscle Recovery boost

In other words, this arrangement of amino acids supplies them in the ideal ratio to help keep muscle mass healthy.

If your goal is to prevent muscle loss associated with inactivity or aging, or you want to support existing muscle strength and function, Recovery Charge supplies you with the correct amino acids in the most efficient, synergistic combination so you can meet your health goals.

Diet is always the foundation for health and performance. But if the right nutrients aren’t immediately available to you (incomplete diet, unavailability due to travel, etc) Recovery Charge can help keep you on track. 

And, if you do eat well and have all the dietary protein sources you need, this supplement will provide nutritional insurance so you can keep that hard-earned muscle mass!

Order today and experience the benefits of this all-natural muscle recovery powder.


1. Protected by US patent 9,364,463

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